Boris Yankov has started collecting TypeScript type defintions for popular JavaScript libraries. These files (ending in .d.ts) describe the public api of an existing library, just like .h files do for C code. This allows you to write TypeScript code against JavaScript libraries without them having to change anything.
Currently available:
- AngularJS (by Diego Vilar) (wiki)
- async (by Boris Yankov)
- Backbone.js (by Boris Yankov)
- Bootstrap (by Boris Yankov)
- Breeze (by Boris Yankov)
- CodeMirror (by François de Campredon)
- Chosen (by Boris Yankov)
- dynatree (by François de Campredon)
- EaselJS (by Pedro Ferreira)
- ember.js (by Boris Yankov)
- Express (by Boris Yankov)
- Fancybox (by Boris Yankov)
- GoogleMaps (by Esben Nepper)
- Handlebars (by Boris Yankov)
- History.js (by Boris Yankov)
- Humane.js (by John Vrbanac)
- Impress.js (by Boris Yankov)
- Jasmine (by Boris Yankov)
- jQuery.Globalize (by Boris Yankov)
- jQuery (from TypeScript samples)
- jQuery Mobile (by Boris Yankov)
- jQuery UI (by Boris Yankov)
- Knockback (by Marcel Binot)
- Knockout.js (by Boris Yankov)
- Knockout.Mapping (by Boris Yankov)
- linq.js (by Marcin Najder)
- Modernizr (by Boris Yankov)
- Moment.js (by Michael Lakerveld)
- Mustache.js (by Boris Yankov)
- Node.js (from TypeScript samples)
- node_redis (by Boris Yankov)
- node-sqlserver (by Boris Yankov)
- PhoneGap (by Boris Yankov)
- PreloadJS (by Pedro Ferreira)
- QUnit (by Diullei Gomes)
- Raphael (by CheCoxshall)
- Sammy.js (by Boris Yankov)
- SignalR (by Boris Yankov)
- SoundJS (by Pedro Ferreira)
- Spin (by Boris Yankov)
- Sugar (by Josh Baldwin)
- Teechart (by Steema)
- Toastr (by Boris Yankov)
- TweenJS (by Pedro Ferreira)
- Ubuntu Unity Web API (by John Vrbanac)
- Underscore.js (by Boris Yankov)
- Underscore.js (Typed) (by Josh Baldwin)
You can find all the definition files on his GitHub project: